Sydney Website Design & Development

All of our website design is focused on mobile-first approach to ensure a lower bounce rates and raising conversion rates. Contac us today to get a free quote on how we can provide you a solution for your online presence

According to statistic, there are over 17 million of smartphone users in Australia, that is about 70% of the population, and this will continue to grow.

It is imperative for businesses to provide online presence which not only looks great and function flawlessly, but adaptable to different screen size of smartphones and desktop.

Getting a responsive website design is not just about functional but to ensure your business is offering your clients a great user experience regardless the media they are accessing from. All of our website design is focused on mobile-first approach to ensure a lower bounce rates and raising conversion rates. Contac us today to get a free quote on how we can provide you a solution for your online presence


Apart being accessibel from different devices, MHT Project ensures that all our websites are designed and coded to be search engine friendly. To do this there are several considerations, to mention a few these includes proper page title, meta keywords, description, and alt text for images. We can also provide strategy and advice on how to make the site rank better locally and nationally.


To provide best experience for your customers online, there are numerous factors to consider, such as loading time , graphic compression on your website, as well as the devices they are using when they are mobile. Web responsive design enhances their experience on your online presence. MHT Projects will ensure:

  • Avoiding large size images that could slow your web loading time
  • Sites are built mobile-first approach, so your clients won’t have to zoom in and out whilst on mobile.
  • Clear navigational links to ensure similar experience in desktop.
  • Making key information of your website as easy to access as possible

How can we help you?

Discuss with our tech experts on how your business can benefit from our services.

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